Friday, September 19, 2008

Notes on refreshing time

So here's the dig, two topics: time and refreshing traits.

The mechanism of refreshing is designed to keep powers from being abused by rendering them scarce. Scarcity drives the economics of the auctions, and keeps the game running, so it's pretty key.

Here's what I have to say about time: the idea of rounds is kind of clunky, I'd prefer "action frames", which would be a logical unit of time definable in terms of the current situation. If we look at combat, they're basically equivalent to rounds, but if we scale back to an evening filled with debate, they're roughly analogous to volley's of debate. In either case, the die-roll based refresh will work. The actual mechanics of the alternative system didn't scale well outside of combat, but with the dice, there's a chance that you'll be able to reuse an ability rather sooner than the actual time allotted, while at the same time the scarcity is maintained.

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