Friday, September 19, 2008

What to call it?

After that last post, I think I'm gonna try and come up with a better name for the system which is only "mostly diceless". Here's some names I'm kicking around, let me know if you like any (try sticking them into "The ______ Game System" or something like that):
  1. d100
  2. dN
  3. dZero (written out instead, to differentiate it from having no dice at all)
  4. dSpoon
  5. Ludibrium/Ludus/Ludi/Lud (all derived from the Latin for a trivial game)
  6. Flying Crowbar (taken from "Because of its combination of high speed and low altitude, Pluto promised to get through to targets that manned bombers and even ballistic missiles might not be able to reach. What weaponeers call "robustness" was another important advantage. "Pluto was about as durable as a bucket of rocks," says one who worked on the project. It was because of the missile's low complexity and high durability that physicist Ted Merkle, the project's director, called it "the flying crowbar."")
  7. Bucket of Rocks (also from the same quote, because I like it, from
  8. Narrative Vomit
  9. Simple Auction
  10. Narritive Auction
  11. Narritive Masturbation
  12. Yet Another RPG Thing, Now With Less Dice -- abbreviated as YARTNWLD (pronounced yart-en-wald?)
  13. Generic Game System Lite!
  14. Mad Arab (
  15. Unspeakbly Dull Auction System (UDAS!)
  16. "Shuggoth Slapping: The Live Action Role Playing Game"
  17. Green Decay: The Game! (
  18. "Hastur! Hastur! Hastus! Generic RPG System" (HHHGRS)
If you have any that you'd like considered, by all means, let me know. They can't be worse than the crap above.

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